Points: 501 Followers
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About me
// Terance here //('(00)') a.simple.Intro.of.mine ('(00)')
-Terance Loy Zhen Ge
Actually 16
Lonely Boi
-can be crazy with close friends
always care my gods family
-wishes to be rich
awaiting for my princess(hahaz)
-i can be retarded sumtimes
-me n some teachers cant get along very well
~blue n pink n black
~fighting stories
~absolutely love going out
~online msn
~walking at plaza
~watching movies
~listening to songs
MoSTLY iM QuiT[e] Qui[e]T..CoZ i DuNNo[e] WHaT To TaLK BouT..i DoNT R[e]aLLY No[e] HoW To OPeN SuBJ[e]CT..iM DiFF[e]ReNT iN SCHooL aND aT HoM[e]..iN SCHooL i aLWaYS K[e]eP T[a]lking aND aLWaYS talkin[g]..BuT iF aT HoM[e],i LiKe To sleep aLL DaY LoNG..QuaRR[e]L WiTH brother..iRRiTaTe My mother.
Who I Want to Meet:
___ anionee
everiionee welcum ...
as long as ish human being & nt LES/GAY can liaoz...
esp muhh primary school fren..(Miss them much much..)
muCH primary school teacher...
Moii godbrothers and sisters in sec sch.........
All inforcomm club member and Assumptionites
___ just.add.miee.at.tis.add.or.send.miee.a.msg
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Occupation: students